Recommended Books & Resources in Orleans ON
Additional Resources
1. See the videos in the resource section of our website:
2. Email me with questions:
3. Recipe Books:
- “Make it Paleo”
- “Well Fed”
- “Everyday Paleo”
- “The Paleo Diet Cookbook”
4. Websites / blogs:
5. Books:
- “The Paleo Solution” Robb Wolf
- “The Wellness & Prevention Paradigm” James Chestnut (available in our office)
- “The Primal Blueprint” Mark Sisson. Ask for more!
6. Physics Crossfit in Orleans is an AMAZING gym that specializes in this EXACT type of “essential” exercise, and will provide you with invaluable coaching for you to succeed at the highest level. Highly recommended.
7. website: Check out the “workout of the day” (WOD). This website will have videos of a daily workout that follows these exact principles, and how to do the exercises. This is for more advanced exercisers.
8. For organic, 100% grass-fed beef (as well as other naturally-raised meats): Try OR
9. For naturally-raised chickens in Ottawa’s East end:
Creekside Farm: David Brown 613-762-0115
Monday | 7:30am - 11:30am 1:30pm - 6:00pm* |
Tuesday | 6:30am - 11:30am 1:30pm - 6:00pm* |
Wednesday | 7:30am - 11:30am 1:30pm - 6:00pm* |
Thursday | 6:30am - 11:30am 1:30pm - 6:00pm* |
*Hours subject to change

Hunter Chiropractic Wellness Centre
200 Vanguard Drive Unit 2
Orleans, ON K4A 1A1
(613) 841-9355