Pregnancy Care in Orleans ON

Chiropractic care in pregnancy is an essential choice in your prenatal care. Preexisting imbalances in your spine become stressed during pregnancy. Daily routines can be disrupted by back discomfort/pain during pregnancy due to the rapid growth patterns of the baby.
Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy can relieve and prevent discomforts associated with pregnancy, leaving your spine stress-free.
Chiropractic care will also ensure that your pelvis is in a balanced state. This is important in order to avoid a common condition known as intra-uterine constraint. When this occurs the ligaments that support your growing uterus become torqued and twisted. These constraints limit the space the baby has to develop. Any unnatural position during pregnancy will affect the baby’s optimal development.
When there are intra-uterine constraints it may also affect the baby’s ability to get into proper birthing position. Any position even slightly off during birth will slow down labor, add pain and cause distress to mother and child.
Doctors of Chiropractic work specifically with your pelvis and spine throughout pregnancy restoring a state of balance. This will lead to an environment for a safe and easier delivery.
Additionally, the chiropractic adjustments reduce interference to the nerve system, allowing your uterus to functioning at its maximum potential. Published studies have shown that chiropractic care reduces labor times.
Monday | 7:30am - 11:30am 1:30pm - 6:00pm* |
Tuesday | 6:30am - 11:30am 1:30pm - 6:00pm* |
Wednesday | 7:30am - 11:30am 1:30pm - 6:00pm* |
Thursday | 6:30am - 11:30am 1:30pm - 6:00pm* |
*Hours subject to change

Hunter Chiropractic Wellness Centre
200 Vanguard Drive Unit 2
Orleans, ON K4A 1A1
(613) 841-9355