Custom Orthotics in Orleans ON

Your feet serve two main functions, first your foot adapts to uneven terrain by losing its structure and yielding to the shape of the surface. Second, the foot must regain its rigidity to create a firm functional arch for forward movement or walking/running. Both of these states are determined by the height of the existing arch.
Most people suffer from pronation (lose of natural arch), which is caused by gravity, weight, sedentary living and the concrete we often walk on in modern life. This causes ligaments under the foot to become unstructured and loose and the muscles become weak. The lower an arch falls the less likely it is that they can be restored naturally. Feet with too much pronation become very sore and often deformed. Additionally, an improper arch can lead to hip, knee and low back pain. Chiropractic can relieve these symptoms but in order to correct the root cause, orthotics are important.
Most foot health specialists will recommend a good, functioning foot orthotic, but with so many over the counter options, how do we know which will serve us best?
Sole Supports provides advanced training to its providers. Dr. Hunter is certified to fit and mold these custom orthotics. These orthotics deliver full support to your feet. The foot is cast in a advanced corrective position, which captures the optimal amount of arch. They are then made to this exact shape. The supportive shell is calibrated for the correct amount of flexibility depending on weight, foot flexibility and activity level.
Dr. Hunter has the expertise to evaluate your feet and determine whether custom foot orthotics are right for you!
Monday | 7:30am - 11:30am 1:30pm - 6:00pm* |
Tuesday | 6:30am - 11:30am 1:30pm - 6:00pm* |
Wednesday | 7:30am - 11:30am 1:30pm - 6:00pm* |
Thursday | 6:30am - 11:30am 1:30pm - 6:00pm* |
*Hours subject to change

Hunter Chiropractic Wellness Centre
200 Vanguard Drive Unit 2
Orleans, ON K4A 1A1
(613) 841-9355